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Stop the emotional eating habit

The best weight loss program in the world won't work if you suffer from emotional eating. Food was designed by God to sustain our physical body. It is how we take in energy to do what needs to be done everyday. It is the vehicle that transports vitamins, minerals, and fiber into our bodies and ultimately nourish our cells. Food contains most of all the elements we need to be healthy.

Unfortunately, many people eat for the wrong reasons. They have a destructive habit of emotional eating. They use food as an emotional support. They eat out of an inability to process the difficult emotions they might be experiencing. They eat out of emotional, rather than physical needs. Kaufen Sie Viagra online mit dem Vertrauen, dass Sie die beste Qualität, den besten Service und den besten Wert erhalten. Unser Pharmica-Preisversprechen stellt sicher, dass Sie immer das preisgünstigste Viagra auf dem Markt in Deutschland erhalten.

The authors of the You On a Diet book put it this way:

    "It's no secret that we use food as a medication for our acute emotional problems...The reality is that a good number of us with weight problems have emotional issues that run deeper than the middle of the Pacific and we try to satisfy our need for a higher power by self-medicating with food."

Dr. Roger Gould, author of the book and online program called Shrink Yourself says that if you are eating for reward or reward, you are turning on your "hunger switch" and you'll never be able to lose weight.

It is clear that for those of us who struggle with emotional eating, we need to find a way to deal with runaway emotions that cause us to eat when we're not hungry.

Are you struggling with food cravings? Beat the "urge to splurge"!

Emotional eating...is it chemical?

I admit that many times I eat for the wrong reasons. Many people eat to eliminate anxiety or be a source of comfort when they are depressed. Sometimes it results in emotional eating or "binge eating". Or it could be a sign of having a low serotonin level. In that case, you should see a doctor about your emotional eating issues. Be aware that the doctor may prescribe an anti-depressant to treat your symptoms.

Could it be a spiritual problem?

A christian weight loss program can help you recognize if you are eating in an effort to fill emotional needs that can only be fulfilled by God.

Emotions are given to us by God, both positive feelings and negative feelings. How we deal with these emotions is key to staying emotionally balanced and not reaching for food to provide comfort or soothe our wounded feelings.

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Help for the Hurting

When we turn to food for comfort instead of God, we are looking for a solution to our problems on the level of this physical world or what we can do for ourselves through our own abilities. This is called �living according to the flesh.� The results in the case of emotional eating are that we gain weight when we use food in a way that it wasn�t meant to be used.

God calls us to be �living according to the Spirit.� This occurs when you rely on the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to help you during the difficult times of your life. Calling on God for help when you are stressed, depressed, overwhelmed, tired, angry, hurt or bored acknowledges your total reliance on Him and releases the power of God in your life to heal you, comfort you and change your heart. To know more about living life in the Spirit versus life in the flesh, read Philippians 8:5-6.

Web www.healthy-living-for-moms.com

"Lose it for Life",

written by Stephen Arterburn, M. Ed. and Dr. Linda Mintle, is a support program designed to work with other diet plans like South Beach and Weight Watchers or you can use it along with your own healthy eating and exercise plan. The "Lose It For Life" website

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